Tuesday, November 14, 2006


There's not much going on in my world right now. I'm ready for Thanksgiving so I can get 2 days off work! I'm pretty sad to not be going home, though. I want to squeeze my new precious nephew! But in the meantime, with my absence of anything interesting to post, I'll just post a couple more pictures that I got from my mom of the two most precious children on the face of the earth.

What an adorable little chunky monkey!

I love this picture because it seems to me that what's happening is Azlan is in his carseat wailing, and Patriot is pointing and laughing. Oh, the pitfalls of being the younger sibling! I know how you feel, Azlan. :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Life's not so bad for the youngest kid. He gets held all the time. People keep bringing him presents. He doesn't get yelled at when he's too loud and wakes up his brother. He doesn't have to go to timeout when he hits the baby with his football -- well, you get the idea.

I also love that you called them the two most precious children. I hope you're still saying that after you've spent a few days with them.