Monday, January 08, 2007

I Don't Want to Change And You Can't Make Me!

So who can tell me what is the deal with Google now owning blogger? And they're making everybody switch from blogger to Google blogger? I kind of resent that. Who are they to tell me I HAVE to change the format of my blog? I don't know anything about the new Google blogger except when Justin transferred his blog, he had a hard time in getting things to switch, and I couldn't post comments on his blog anymore! So why should I switch if it's just going to make things harder? I know this is entirely not a big deal, and if they tell me that I have to switch the way they did to Justin, then I will rather than giving up blogging. But I've decided that I won't do it voluntarily. They'll have to force me to do it. Just to prove that I am in control of my own blogging destiny! Power to the people!

On a slightly related blogging note, I'd like to share with you all the great tool that my brother-in-law showed me to make blog-reading a lot easier. It's called Google Reader. You enter in all the blogs you read, and then you just check in there and it tells you if there are any new posts on any of them. So instead of going to a bajillion different blogs, none of whom have posted anything new since yesterday, you can just sign in to Google Reader and it'll tell you if there are any new posts. Very convenient and efficient. So I may be a holdout when it comes to converting my blog to Google, but I'll jump right on using their Reader. Does that sound backward to you?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't been blogging all that long, but from what I can tell blogger has always been part of google, they just changed their format. Alas. But it's really better!!! Embrace the change (to be read with fist in the air triumphantly)! Love the nephew pics!!!!!