Thursday, October 18, 2007

Please tell me I can blame it on the pregnancy!

OK, so does pregnancy make you clumsy? I'm not usually a klutz, but I've had two disturbing incidences in the past couple of days, and I'm concerned I'm really going to injure myself or someone else! Two days ago, I was walking down the street, and I just fell down! My foot slipped into a pothole or something, but I totally staggered for like 10 feet and then went sprawling. It was embarrassing! Thankfully I wasn't hurt more than scratches and bruises. But I guarantee the people on the street were thinking "It's WAY too early in the day for that lady to be so drunk!" No, I'm not drunk! I'm just pregnant! It's a good thing no cars were coming, because I totally fell into the middle of the street.

And then tonight, I totally set dinner on fire. YES, ON FIRE!!!! We're talking 2-foot-high flames coming out of the skillet. Who knew stir-fry could be so dangerous? The thing that scares me the most about it is that I panicked. I had no idea what to do. Thankfully, Justin was on hand, came quickly at my screams, and calmly took care of the situation. It doesn't take a super-genius to think that if you have a fire on a gas stove, the first thing you should try is eliminate the source of the flame. Turn off the burner, Joni! Duh! (This picture is not my stove, but it closely resembled what mine looked like - minus the danger of nearby curtains catching ablaze...)

So I'm just a little nervous because I still have 7 more months of this to go. Will I suffer from this fuzzy-headedness the whole time? Will I regain better control of my limbs? I seriously doubt that one, because the bigger I get the more awkward I'm sure I will be. So I just need to recruit some serious prayers that God will protect me with His angels and that I'll trust Him to do so!


Jan said...

I am so glad you explained that the picture wasn't of your stove!! I was asking myself, "Why are they taking pictures of the fire and not putting it out?!?!?!"

As for the clumsiness....I can tell you that I've been clumsy the past few days, too, and don't have a pregnancy to blame for it. I think sometimes we just get disoriented for some reason...I think I might have the beginnings of an ear infection. But, I have been dropping things all day. So, hang in there, and you'll be better soon.

Jessica said...

I dropped glasses when I was pregnant. Both pregnancies. I was generally OK with everything else, but I dropped and broke at least 2 glasses each pregnancy. Weird.

I agree with Mom that I was a little disturbed you were taking pics of the fire instead of putting it out. Thanks for clarifying. Now I wonder about the people who took that pic . . .

Joni said...

The picture actually came from a home safety site where they tell you about possible dangers in your home and how to avoid them. So this picture was to instruct you not to have anything flammable hanging above your stove. So it was purposefully taken in a controlled environment, I'm sure.

Kristy said...

I am sorry Joni, I don't have good news for you! I was a total moron through my entire pregnancy. This extends beyond just being clumsy. I couldn't remember simple things like where I put something or just normal common sense things. I also dropped like everything I tried to pick up! So hopefully this will get better for you but I continued to run into walls, etc the entire 9 months. It's just so awkward when you don't know where your body ends! By the way - I thought the same thing as your mom and sister - why in the world were you taking a picture of the fire! Thanks for explaining! Miss you so much!