Saturday, July 15, 2006

Joni's Got A Gun (And Another Rosebush?!)

I know it's been a while since I've posted - things have been completely berserk at work this week, and that's when I usually do my posting. But I survived the week and then had a lovely weekend, which is what prompted this post. Saturday afternoon, Justin and I went shooting with some friends from Lifegroup. Yes, shooting. Justin grew up hunting and knows how to handle a gun. I, however, have only ever touched a gun once - I shot a bb gun at fourth grade 4-H camp. So that shows you how much I know about it. But Justin and 2 other guys from Lifegroup are a part of a men's group called Legacy Outfitters, which is like PromiseKeepers for sportsmen. They have a shotgun focus group, and once a month these three guys go with the group and shoot at a range here in Waco. They've been plotting for months to get their wives to come and shoot with them, so finally this weekend, Justin & I went with Joey & Jackie to teach the women how to shoot! It was a blast! (Pun intended.) We really did have a good time, and it was much less scary than I thought it would be. It's HARD, though! That gun is heavy! By the time we were done with a full round at the gun range, my arms were so tired they were shaking. What can I say? I'm a weenie. But it was a lot of fun, and I managed to hit 2 out of the 20 clay pigeons I was shooting at, which Justin claims isn't bad for your first time. (Jackie hit 3.) Best of all, I am now fully knowledgeable about how to use the large weapon that lives at my house. We'll definitely be going again - watch out, world! I am armed and dangerous!

In other news, I'm posting a picture of my sweet little rose plant, because it's doing so well! Blooming away and no mites in sight. I think it likes our new apartment. It actually gets less sun than at the other place, and it seems to like that. Maybe it was too much before. Now just this morning I seem to have moved up to a proper miniature rose enthusiast - a church member came by and brought all the secretaries here at church miniature roses! So now I'm the owner of TWO miniature rose plants! This new one has a really beautiful color of blooms; I'll post a pic once I get it repotted and in its new place next to the red one. My garden is growing, and I love it!


Kristy said...

AHHH I haven't even read the post yet but all i have to say is the picture of you with a gun makes me nervous!

Joni said...

BWA-HA-HAAAAAAAA!!!!! Look out everybody!!!!!!

John said...

Can you get a gun rack mounted in your car? Perhaps you should consider a Ford pickup? Please never use the gun on the rosebush.