Sunday, September 18, 2011

Spanish Colors - ¡Aquí!

Elias has a subscription to Highlights High Five magazine, which he absolutely loves.  (Thanks, Nana!)  Each month, there is a story that features some Spanish phrases, and last month's used Spanish colors.  It was about a girl named Isabel picking out colorful clothes to wear to school.  By reading this over and over, Elias learned several Spanish colors, and he really likes using them around the house.  So I started playing a game with him where I ask him in Spanish, "Where is the blue one?" and he'll point to it and say, "¡Aquí!" which means "Here!"  He thinks it is so much fun, and I'm glad he loves learning languages - he'll need that skill!  :)
Disclaimer:  I haven't had a Spanish class since 6th grade, so I'm sure my grammar and pronunciation aren't good.  I also know I'm wonky with the genders, but I just used the genders that are in Isabel's story.  I figure he's learning something even if it's not exactly right!

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