Friday, April 02, 2010

Spring Break, Part 4 - Loving the Family

We were blessed to see quite a bit of Justin's family while we were in the state. His Uncle Leighton & Aunt Kay drove in from Bowling Green to visit us, which was a LOT of fun! I'm kicking myself because I forgot to take a picture with them. Well, I didn't exactly forget... I had intended to take one after Elias woke up from his nap, but he woke up extremely grumpy and there was no picture taking going on at that point.

But I remembered the next day when Justin's Uncle Emmitt and Aunt Linda visited from Madisonville! Elias was at least pleasant then.We went out to eat at a restaurant, and Elias cracked everybody up by picking up the menu and reading it like he was trying to decide what to order!You can't fool us, buddy. We all know you already want the mac & cheese.

We also had great times with Nana & Granddad, although I didn't take many pictures. Elias and Granddad were the two earliest risers in the house, so they often got to spend time together in the mornings. Here they are reading the paper together. (This week, Elias learned a new word: newspaper.)You'll notice through the window behind them that it's still dark out! Sheesh. Thankfully, Daddy was the one who was awake to take this picture. Mommy was snoozing!

And Granddad was extra special in the fact that Elias gave him high-fives! High-fives are a coveted thing from Elias - he doesn't favor just anybody with them. I missed the actual five in this picture, but you can see the aftermath - Elias' hand is still up.

We tried to get a picture with Nana & Granddad, but Elias wasn't cooperating again. This is the best we got.Sheesh. Granddad had already fled the scene at this point. What really cracks me up about this picture is the HUGE smile on my face while Elias is melting down in my arms. Ya know, a toddler mama just does the best she can sometimes.

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