Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Time Is It?!

Like most newborns, Eli came to us with his days and nights mixed up. This meant that he slept all day and screamed all night - not incredibly fun. So we've spent the past couple of days concentrating on trying to get his days and nights back in order! To help him learn what daytime is, we're trying to spend more time awake during the day, and we're also trying to expose him to more natural sunlight.

We do waketime after he eats and before he naps, and usually Daddy does his waketime. He reads to him or sings to him. We look forward to when we can play together! Here is a picture of Daddy reading Eli his favorite thing so far - Business Week magazine. He apparently likes it better than any of the Dr. Suess or other books Daddy has read to him. I guess he gets that from his Dad... :)His daytime naps are usually taken in his bouncy chair near a window - not directly in the sun, but with enough sunlight to help him know that it's brighter now than in his crib at night. We also try to get him outside some during the day, so here is a picture of our first walk! Our neighborhood doesn't have sidewalks, so I'm not thrilled about just taking him out for a walk here. So we got in the car and drove to a nearby trail on the river, just about 10 minutes from our house. It was fun, and Eli slept all the way through it.Our problem now is that he seems to be enjoying waketime too much during the day, and it's hard to get him to go down for a daytime nap. We're hoping that will all adjust itself out soon. But our nights are MUCH more pleasant than they were at first... Instead of spending the 2 or 3 hours between feedings trying to console a screaming baby, Daddy gets to just spend 30 minutes or so sitting next to the crib making sure the pacifier doesn't fall out... I guess that's better...


Charity said...

y'all are doing great! i love hearing the updates. =) he's so cute. much love to you, my friend!

Jeannie said...

it just takes time. My cousin's new baby is 6 weeks old and is finally figuring things out. I stayed with them recently and felt it was a good experience for me considering we will be going through the same thing in a few months. Your son is sooo cute! I am glad you guys are finding solutions that work for you!