Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve Hilarity

This evening, we were killing time with Elias before his last feeding of the day, and we were just playing on the floor trying to keep him entertained. I pulled off the lid to a tupperware bin that was sitting near us, and we started beating on it like a drum, which was fun. But then I started scratching on it with my fingernails, and Elias thought it was HILARIOUS!!!! I don't know if I've ever heard him laugh like that. Justin caught a snippet of it on video to share, but really this went on for at least 5 minutes.

Soooooo funny!!!


Jessica said...

Wow, that was pretty easy. So cute!

Jan said...

That is great!! I think everyone that sees this will laugh right along with him. What's so funny about scratching on a plastic lid?

Anonymous said...

soooo cute- don't you just love those precious parenthood moments! Jacob thinks it's funny when I sing- not sure if that is a compliment or not...